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WR02X1803FDLV, Hong Kong Capital Industrial Co.,Ltd - Inventory

Capital Industrial. is a professional distributor in IC industry. we specialise in integrated circuits, Memory chips, Transistors, Diodes, triodes and passive parts and so on. Established in 2005,devotes itself to proving the best quality,the fastest delivery of the offline supply of electronic components , and gain their praise and trust. Especially we get great trade references in North America...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
WR02X1803FDLV 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X1803FGL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X1803FGLJ 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X1803FHL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X1803FQL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X1803FTL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X1803FTLJ 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X1803FTR 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JAL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JDLJ 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JGL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JALV 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JQL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JTL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JDLV 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JTR 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JGLJ 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JALJ 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JAR 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock
WR02X181 JHL 0201(0603) WALSIN 1000000 22+ In stock

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